Here is a list of important things.
by Krazy Kat Woman February 1, 2017
A show on Comdey Central starring comedian Demetri Martin. Martin uses his comedic style to tell his opinions on important things such as coolness, timing, brains, safety, power, chairs, games and more
by thecinnamonkd85 April 28, 2009
You ain't doing shit about ANY of those things anyway other than giving other people's money away and keeping a cut for yourself you fucking panhandler.
Hym "Yeah, you ain't doing shit about more important things asshole. You thought stopping Trump from getting into the white house was important and you didn't do shit about that. The politicians YOU ACTUALLY VOTE FOR don't have to pay any attention to YOU because they know YOU ain't going to do shit and you're paying a right violating amount of attention to ME for the exact opposite reason. Some of you will be made to regret this and those of you are all little more solipsistic than the rest didn't care to begin with."
by Hym Iam January 20, 2025