Once you have met an ignacia you won't forget it. More breathtaking than her beauty is her big heart and her passion for helping people. Her intelligence is often underestimated. She demands respect in the way she carries herself in public and behind closed doors. Swayed by none she can be very intimidating and she is a good one to have on your side in any battle. She is a good queen for a true king and loving mother who uses love in every aspect of life. Getting to know ignacia may be very complex but well worth the time and effort for if you are blessed to have an ignacia in your life it would be wise to hold on to this good woman for they are rare and strong with nothing but love to give
"I think they violated my rights. I should have brought ignacia with me"
by Nocna mora November 20, 2020
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Ignacia is an irrelevant person who could be rude and sweet most of the time and calls people gay but honestly she gives the best advice and spills all lot of tea and she’s also not wealthy
Your a Ignacia tbh smh 🤦🏽 ♂️
by Ignacia is gayy September 22, 2019
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Oh man if you know a Ignacia just be you with her cause she appreciate the real , kind,good people also she is beautiful In all the aspects that exist
Boy: hey girl you know what is the name of that girl she is so beautiful and lit
Girl:of course she is my bff ignacia she is someone you really have to know
by lolthebeauty001 December 27, 2016
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She is an awesome person, she loves to go out with her friends and loves music. She loves her friends very much. She is the most beautiful, most amazing girl anyone would ever meet. She loves animals. She's a great and funny cousin. She loves makeup and loves taking pictures with her friends. one of the bests people you could meet.
by ignacia November 14, 2018
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