The act of retaining one's urine for a week and then ushering forth a wave of piss on their partner's face the likes of which R Kelly could only dream of. This super slaying move is guaranteed to win the hearts of any man, woman, otherkin, and animal under the sun. Best used on a Friday night and while reciting Revelation 19, the move has several variants. One may grasp the partner's head and cascade down the shower to exfoliate the hair follicles, thereby removing 6 months of stress in a 30 minute quenching of urine. Alternatively one may attempt to get an Angry Dragon variant by urinating directly into the partner's mouth, this should be done to where the partner blasts the piss out of both nostrils, ears, and eyes.
Ultimately, the Icenhower Power Shower is one of the deadliest and sexiest maneuvers known to mankind, the originator of this move had an average penis too which makes it even more impressive considering its popularity.
Guy at Party: Hey Cindy why do you smell like dog piss and have liquid running from your ears and nose?

Cindy: Oh you know Elijah gave me the classic Icenhower Power Shower
by Sneed d'Elaine November 5, 2020
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Some moves and techniques in the sexual realm of the human experience need little to no introduction, this is one such move. Guaranteed to make anyone simp for you, it involves the most disciplined urine retention for an entire week followed by releasing a Fukishima sized Tsunami of piss onto your partner preferably while reciting apocalyptic scripture such as Revelation 19. Variants exist with either a proper golden shower from the hairline down (great for the skin btw) or direct insertion followed by blasting one's urine down your partner's throat. It's possible to achieve an angry dragon and have the urine spew out of the partner's nose only with this move it's known as a Gilded Geyser instead.
Coworker: Shauna you look so great today wow! Your face is practically dripping!

Shauna: Blushing Elijah gave me an Icenhower Power Shower last night and it's been doing wonders for me twirls hair

Coworker: Smh I wish my significant other would give me that but they think peeing more than once a week and not on my face is normal pouts
by Sneed d'Elaine November 6, 2020
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