A back-up saying in case someone tells you that they love you said by the actor/comedian Will Ferrell on Twitter on approximately 17th Novmember 2011 1:49am and the actual 'tweet' was ~Quote~ #ThoseThreeWords: If someone says "I love you" and you don't feel the same way, just say "I love YouTube" really fast. ~End Quote~

ILYoutube also stands for 'I Love Youtube'. The point of this is saying it fast sounding like "I Love You Too''
Example 01:

Boy 01: It was a great night! Hope it happens soon again! Take care.
Girl 01: It was a fantastic night ... *Kisses Boy01* I Love You ..
Boy 01: I Love YouTube

Girl 01: Take care baby!

Example 02:

Boy01: Saw that dude!? She said she loves me as well!
Boy 01: No dude I'm quite confident you just got ILYoutube'd ..
by Mikzyy Raza October 12, 2013
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