Introduction to IB Chemistry and Physics, aka the most confusing class in the history of the world. Squared. According to this class, negatives are absolute values, the speed of electrons is infinite, something that can be done in 5 minutes can more easily be done in 30, and the location of an object cannot move without ripping a 35mm hole in the space-time continuum. As volume increases, mass is incinerated. The only thing a person can actually learn from this class is that if enough shits are given, then any chemical reaction or motion can be mathematically equated.
Teacher- If an atom is moving, then it has no place, but if it has a place, it is not moving.
Smartass(the one writing this)- What if the place moves?
Teacher- Do you have anything I can throw at him?
Smartass- Welcome to IBCAP
by Annihila-Ted January 18, 2014
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