he can't win this fight, it's 3 against 1, don't worry, why? I am dusk
by wahmenthedestroyer June 10, 2022
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Omg! he can't possibly win that fight, it's 3v1, Don't worry I am Dusk!
by wahmenthedestroyer June 9, 2022
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another way of saying "i need to go pee really bad"
person:i shall unleash a continous stream of pee for i am at my maximum pee storage capacity
person2:ou could instead say "i am gonna go to the toilet" its much shorter
by cosmnik July 1, 2021
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A joke from @bigbagofpotatoes videos.
Video: The 10 hottest women in the world.


Le him: No, i am a boy!
by Impasta_Nina April 23, 2022
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You: I am cool
Me: No youre not
by udtshausbbs November 27, 2021
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Are you for real that stupid that you dont know how old you are
"How old am I?"

Why the hell are you asking me? I DONT KNOW YOU
by TheDiamondLegend(alt 1) September 19, 2022
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