A distinct classification of extraordinary individuals within the realm of super-powered beings. Originating from humble human origins, these individuals have undergone an awe-inspiring transformation within the cosmic tapestry of the universe, transcending the boundaries of mortal existence and ascending to a higher plane of existence. "Homo Supremis Celestialis" encapsulates a select group of beings who not only surpass the limitations of ordinary humans but also possess an inherent connection to the celestial or heavenly domain, akin to a divine lineage coursing through their veins. With their celestial heritage intertwining with their mortal form, these beings radiate an aura of ethereal brilliance, signifying their elevated existence and the embodiment of celestial power.
The celestials were given the scientific term "Homo Supremis Celestialis" due to their origins and connection to the celestial dimension they receive their power from. The 2 most powerful celestial beings are Celestial Prism and Celestial Revenant.
by celestial_prism May 26, 2023
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