1. A Japanese name for boys. ‘Hide’ - means glory and ‘me’ - beautiful.

2. Usually they are quite, just like the name suggest ‘hide me’

3. They are adorable and appreciate home cooked food but don’t cook themselves because they are king.

3. Don’t confuse with hdmi cable
A name Hidemi matches really well with kyrgyz name Zhibek
by yagodka November 22, 2021
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Main Entry: 2hid•e•my

Pronunciation: \ˈhīd-ə-mē\
Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural 2hid•e•mies
Etymology: Hide from Middle English hiden, from Old English hȳdan; akin to Greek keuthein to conceal and Enemy from Middle English enemi, from Anglo-French, from Latin inimicus, from in- 1in- + amicus friend
Date: 21st century

1 : to put out of sight one that is antagonistic or an opponent.
2 : to evade a frenemy on Facebook by hiding them so you do not see their comments
Ex 1: My hidemy, Jane talks too much about how she is going to get my promotion, I always keep her out of my sight.
Ex 2: I pressed the hide comment button on Joe, he is one of my many hidemies.
by SlaughterbeckK August 18, 2010
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