A mythical creature that is known for its transformative abilities and its lack of identification. It can change its body functions (thus form) by will. Like all living creatures, it is endangered by human's constant dissatisfaction and idiocrasy. It lives in urban and wild habitats all around the world. There is also a probability that it can survive the vacuum of space with some believing that it can also live outside the earth. Scientists from all around the world are trying to determine its primary form, habits, gender, and language but with no luck. The biggest part of the scientific society believes it to be a ternary creature of the fourth dimension. Herhimit's existence is visible through several appearances in the human culture. Many have tried to steal its identity for their advantage but with no luck. Because Herhimit will never try to persuade others of its opinion and because it is in its best interest to mock humans than gathering them under a common cause. Plus, its intelligence has the ability to penetrated all human notions and leave a sense of understanding, and curiosity without ever limiting itself to a specific agency of expression.
"Maybe the most representative concept of Herhimit's identity is the one of "Mesos" introduced by Mr. Lales"

"Herhimit doesn't want me to eat all of my food"
by Petros Lales August 9, 2020
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