An Undertale AU (Alternate universe) were all of the main Undertale AU's (Underswap, Underfell, Storyshift, and Outertail) and Undertale are amalgamated together in a way that the monsters are all amalgamates of themselves from AU's combined with Undertale just like the amalgamates in the true lab creating many horrific creatures out of your favorite Undertale characters
Help_tale is a very creepy but sad Undertale AU but as you go you save them all...unless you k ̮̹͒̒̅į̶̲͍̔̉̑̕l̶̇͜l ̢͐ Help is on the way! o ̧͍͚̬̗̾͛̚͝r̵̊̽̎̋͜͠ ̵̹͉̯̉i̶̛̬̹͒̓̊̐s ̹͙͎̆̑͂̀̀ ͖̱̺̣̕i̴͇̋̈͋̆͠t̴̡̯̺͎͌͠͝? ̺͈͉̐̈͐͘
by TheyareThem November 18, 2018
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a weird-ass Undertale AU that's supposed to be scary by using amalgamates, but isn't scary at all. just awkward.
guy: have you heard of help_tale?
girl: you mean the so-called "scariest Undertale AU? yeah, but don't talk about it.
by Zachattack777/DunkleSans777 March 22, 2018
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