Hamad Al-Abdi Al Maktoum Bin Nahyan Sani is a famous Arab businessman and the owner of the football club, Asbag City F.C. He started his business career in Kuwait by handling a small MDF and wood manufacture. Later he moved to Qatar because of political exile and started to have some football activities by buying aspire academy. he achieved many improvements in aspire academy that routed him to buy the famous and world-class clubAsbag City F.C based in Asbag Shahr. He is one of the members of Hollywood Hall of Famers and can speak 5 live languages including Arabic, English, Ibri, Portuguese and ancient Asbagistan language.
and now the oscar goes to .......... Hamad Al-Abdi for the movie "Once Upon a Time in Asbag Shahr"
by frd9494949494949494 August 4, 2019
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