Hold My Head Laughing

An act of disbelief in response to witty/dumb comments, burns, actual good jokes, etc
U: i got knocked unconscious asa i jumped into the mosh pit lol
RU: hmhl fooool
by royalunderdog September 16, 2019
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HMHL– Hanging my head low. Not to be confused with SMH of SMHL – shaking my head or shaking my head laughing. HMHL means hanging my head in shame for cowards, nogoodniks who call animal control, tacitly approve of death by gassing. Of a six month old puppy. Instead of spending $100 at nearby rural vet, treating for whipworms and mange. Same nogoodniks who're part of the reason we destroy 6,000,000 animals each year. In the good ole US of A.
HMHL pitful coward SMH IDJIT
by manthala April 30, 2013
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