The standard array of questions to be asked of a guy when he tells he has a new female friend.

Is she Hot?

Is she Single?

Did you get in her Pants yet?
Guy 1: It's a really cute girl in my journalism class.

Guy 2: H/S/P?

Guy 1: Huh?

Guy 2: Is that a no?
by Gabe Q February 3, 2011
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Harvard/Yale/Princeton/Stanford, aka schools that open doors to any career you want.
MD1: Some kid just cold called me asking if I can help him get a job at Goldman Sachs
MD2: Does he go to H/Y/P/S ?
MD1: Nah, he's from Fordham
MD2: Then tell him to cold call Moody's
by NecroAnalCrusher June 12, 2018
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