The dialect used by the cult of Gwynn, formerly known as the cult of Debora (A quirky and random cult). It includes constant spam of the emoji 👹👺🏇💪🥶, constant spam of all caps, and constant references to topics such as Mr. Worldwide, Wild Kratts, Reptilians, and Attack on Titan. Any time you must call a person, you must shout their name incredibly loudly multiple times. Any time another person enters the group chat, you must say "That's good for you buddy 👍." The other members of this cult are referred to as "Leiges" and you must greet each other with "Broski."
Member: "WhY aRE YoU bEIng a SuSSy bAKA, whAT WOULD MR WORLDWIDE mr 305 THINK 🥵👹"

Normal person: "Why are you talking in Gwynn Dialect? Can you stop spamming caps I find it annoying."

Member: "That's good for you buddy 👍. Sorry guys I have to go listen to attack on titan, or the zuko rap."
by NinjaCat5510 January 31, 2022
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