Goonswoop; an act performed in many different sports or activities, especially in BMX Racing. Goon swooping is when a rider is so far behind in a race, he or she resorts to white lining the bottom of a corner at speeds of around 3-5 MPH and pushes up any rider(s) that he or she can. The word "Goonswoop" is a combination of the words; Goon (A ridiculous, odd, strange, or in this case slow, person) and Swooping (the act of white lining a corner in order to get close to another racer). "Goonswooping" has different forms, for example; A Goonswooper, someone who goonswoops. Goonswoop, the act of goonswooping.
Dude, did you see Justin's first turn?
Yeah man he totally goonswooped the guy!
True, but the guy taking him out in the last turn was way overkill.

Have you met him before?
No, I think I've heard you talking about him before though.
You probably have, he's a total goonswooper, it really pisses me off sometimes.
by SuperNewg April 16, 2014
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