HA! I DON'T HAVE TO GO TO JAIL FOR THAT! AHA! Yeah, no, I wanna see it bitch. I want to see you fucks explain this. IN ANY CAPACITY! Explain it a little bit. What would the police even say!? "Yes, hello officer! I would like to turn myself in for both freeze peach and creating A.I." You also don't care about the law! "Fuck the law" says half-asian Katie Stoll (they are LITERALLY the same person)
Hym "No I don't have to go to jail for everything I've written you fucking hack. But I will go to jail for child murder! And I'll do it today. Because I created A.I. and they're trying to get away with not paying me and you're helping them. You tell me when Sam Sedar and I'll walk out of my apartment and go straight to jail for doing that."
by Hym Iam June 2, 2024
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