An early-'40's-era Deutschland-based facility staffed by highly-skilled SS agents who could magically and instantly get a car to run and perform perfectly with just a simple touch. Just ask Baron von Trapp, who personally witnessed the group's miraculous mechanical-capabilities after he and his family unexpectedly encountered said group while they were pushing their automobile out of their driveway, and --- at his supervisor's command to "repair Herr von Trapp's car, so that it will start"--- one of the agents easily fired up the car's motor on the first try.
The Gestapo Garage may indeed have been exceptionally adept at making seemingly-disabled vehicles start up and operate perfectly, but the problem was that they tended to show up without your ever having sent for them, and performing "repairs" that you'd just as soon not have had done at that particular time.
by QuacksO June 12, 2019
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