A person, typically an SJW, who places great importance on gender identity to the point where they believe it’s the only thing that identifies and validates them. They appear to want nothing more than to be viewed as normal and yet do everything they can to try to stand out at the same time for the sake of getting attention or special treatment.

They are usually seen in the comments section demonizing anyone who refuses to remember every gender pronoun in existence and telling anyone who outrightly refuses to believe in the notion of there being separate genders outside of male and female what horrible people they are.

Not to be confused with a transtrender.
Person 1: "Dude, the other day, I asked this random chick for the time and she literally started screeching at me about how bigoted I am for assuming her gender, even though she admitted to identifying as a girl with she and her pronouns.”

Person 2: "Wow, didn't think you'd run into a Genderite outside the internet."
by Gladilay October 26, 2017
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