Acronym: Get(ing) a Little Fucked Up

Can be used in past, future, or present tense

What you need to do in situations including but not limited to the below

- While on a date with someone boring or slightly insane
- While you eat an entire box of funfettti cupcakes
- While watching youtube videos about oyster farming
- When celebrating anything
- Before dancing to Beyonce or Rihanna
Past Tense: I was taking the "Are You A Bad Dog Chooser Powerpoint Quiz" and I wasn't sure of the right answers so I had to GALFU for better clarity

Present tense: I'm GALFU right now in honor of your leather pantalones.

Future Tense: Tonight we will listen to Rihanna, order from TG Express and GALFU! While wearing leather pantalones.
by tacosaregreat1 March 11, 2014
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