When one, in the heat of passion, poops in a girl's (or guy's) mouth, then performs an uppercut on the receiver's chin causing the feces to scatter all over the place of business.
"Dude, I took a dump in this girl's mouth, then uppercut her chin and my poo went EVERYWHERE! It was the nastiest Frowny Brownie ever!"
by Man Council (MC or CALF) August 15, 2008
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The spiritual successor to Ookie Cookie. Participants gather around a mixing bowl in a circle. The last to defecate into the bowl must bake and consume a brownie using the fecal slurry. A popular hazing ritual in American undergraduate institutions, especially those with Greek life.
Frat bro Chad told me he lost a game of Frowny Brownie during rush week. He says that confectioner's sugar can only hide so much.
by UCBroseph October 25, 2020
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