fro-nat - noun

A Neologism brought to life by the community of
A fronat can be anything you want it to be
- "Try new delicious Fronats, now with fiber!"

- "Got itchy, burning Fronats?"

- "After a hard day's work I like to kick back with a tall glass of Fronats"

- "Dude, quit being such a Fronat"

- "So this guy's hitting on my girlfriend, and I'm like "Fuck off!" and he doesn't... "So what did you do?" "I gave him the fronat." "Dude, no way, you gave him the fronat?"
by BFest September 3, 2004
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A reference to the genitalia area (usually male).
A swift kick to his fronats brought him to his knees.
by Scott Goebel June 28, 2004
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