
Friendid (friend-did) - refers to a person you used to be friends with, but have since cut contact due to relations or specific events. This does not refer to a dead friend or a friend you cut off due to not being able to see each other or just moving on; this refers to (possibly) a fake friend you had that you are no longer friends with due to issues.
1: Yoooo, WTF is that Banks???
2: Oh shit, oh hell nah
1: Huh?
2: Bruh he a friendid, he disrespected my girl bigtime

(other example)

2: oh fuck thats mark
1: you got a problem with him??
2: yea bruh he one of my friendids, we got into a fight cuz he joked on my dead grandma
1: oh shit, RIP to your grandma btw.
by 95ninetofive December 11, 2024
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