Used to describe a cleverly dangerous and manly combination.
When George dipped his cigar into his scotch, and then proceeded to light it, we couldn't help but be amazed by his foxic idea.
by toxicchrist June 5, 2010
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When you are Foxicate you get in a rabid like animal position. Once in position, you start hissing, thus, foxicating
Mee6: GG (some username), you advanced to level 1!
by Hissing June 10, 2019
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(fok-sis-i-te) n. The degree to which a girl is considered foxy or attractive.
The young frog was stoked to be getting kissed by a girl of such high foxicity.
by Terry Sachs December 30, 2011
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when youre chatting to a girl and it's on but then you realise how hot she is and fall off your game
man, i was reight in with that lass but then i sobered up a bit and her foxicity sunk in
by DonBuck July 7, 2010
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