A Flop Citizen is a person who resides on an island near Chile named: Floptropica.
The Flop Citizens live all the way over in Floptropica! If you are a Floptropican, I have 100% respect for you, thank you.
- a fellow floptropican.
This dumb bombastic Da Boys tried to shoot up Floptropica, a Floptropican Citizen held their head high and beat the Da Boys being with Trishaypatussy in Floptropica.
by ilvssplling April 8, 2023
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A Floptropican Citizen is a human being or alien from a different planet other then Earth who has moved from their country over to Floptropica and has became a Floptropican Citizen / Flop.
This dumb stupid ugly bombastic Floptropican Citizen just got hit by one of Da Boys during the Floptropican / Bodussy War.
by ilvssplling April 8, 2023
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