
An older style flip phone, originally used before smartphones were common; the kind with a small screen, physical buttons, & few features; typically used by older people born before 1960: i.e. grandparents, aunts/uncles, or older fathers
Kid 1: Have you met Charlie yet? He runs the community center..
Kid 2: You talking about the old man in the cargo shorts that walks around still making calls on a flipdaddy?
Kid 1: yea, that's him
by Soodoh Nym June 13, 2021
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A flipdaddy is a male who can do a backflip whilst penertrating a woman/man
Gerald : I tryed flipdaddying suzanne last night but she wouldnt let me
by ezzeeeeezza November 9, 2016
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Flip daddy the original boss of the OG's holding it down internationally Squad deep rolls everywhere don't mess with the Flip you don't want no problems or you'll get the Flip hand strong .
that flip hard strong only with a flipdaddy
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Flipdaddy is someone who got high with his friends and ended up doing some flips. FLIPDADDY
Broo I'm so high I'm bout to do some flips and make you call me flipdaddy
by keyshawnnnnnn March 14, 2019
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