Edgy Filipino teens (and sometimes adults) that try to act cool on the internet by way of sadboi-ing or self-deprecating the Filipino race as a whole.

Typically brash, immature, and extremely toxic when confronted rationally when it comes to following community guidelines, the average Filipeepee would typically ignore an FB, Reddit, or any other social media platform group's rules and regulations (i.e international communities where they still insist on posting in their native tongue despite set rules).

Currently, there exists 4 (embarassing) variants of the Filipeepee namely 1.) "Edgy Memer Filipeepee",2.) "Reactor Filipeepee", 3.) "Bandwagon Filipeepee", and 4.) "Overtly Political but otherwise Hypocritical Filipeepee".
"Can you stop being a Filipeepee for 5 minutes???"
by Cherokeemon May 21, 2021
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Edgy Filipino teens (and sometimes adults) that try to act cool on the internet by way of sadboi-ing or self-deprecating the Filipino race as a whole.

Typically brash, immature, and extremely toxic when confronted rationally when it comes to following community guidelines, the average Filipeepee would typically ignore an FB, Reddit, or any other social media platform group's rules and regulations (i.e international communities where they still insist on posting in their native tongue despite set rules).

Currently, there exists 4 (embarassing) variants of the Filipeepee namely 1.) "Edgy Memer Filipeepee",2.) "Reactor Filipeepee", 3.) "Bandwagon Filipeepee", and 4.) "Overtly Political Filipeepee".
"Stop being a Filipeepee, please!"
by Cherokeemon May 21, 2021
Get the Filipeepee mug.