An amazing wonderful person who wont leave your side. Their laugh will cheer you up and they are very smart and athletic . They are very beautiful even if they don't want to emit it inside and out. They are overall an amazing human being .
(boy)"fahrenn just walked past me" (boy,s friend)"have you asked her out yet'' (boy) "no she just makes me so nervous when i'm around her she just so pretty and funny."
by achild23 January 12, 2021
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an amazing ,wonderful, pretty .athletic and funny person who will always make you happy if you are sad and they will never leave your side they may not know it but they are a really good friend too all you need is a smile from one to make your day better they are also pretty smart
(fahrenn walks over to somone who has had a bad day)*smiles* .

(person who got a smile from fahrenn) *has a great rest of the day just from a small smile.*
by achild23 January 12, 2021
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