A rare boy, with the ability to love with all his heart. He is caring, loving, and is in tune with how others are feeling. espeaignnette usually like to help others, and sometimes Espeaignnette give more of themselves than they should. They are always good-looking. espeaignnette usually find more luck than the average person. Sometimes they need someone to provide a little direction, and then they'll get on track. Mostly, espeaignnettes are excellent people to have around, as they are the perfect friend and an amazing lover. So if you find one, don't let him go! Espeaignnettes are quiet, humble, hardworking and faithful. He is a hard-working man who loves the outdoors.He is very smart, but he doesn't need to prove it. He freely gives the kind of love that every woman dreams of, but seldom ever find. He doesn't give his love to gain anything in return, he simply loves because it is just who he is. As a lover he is never self seeking and loves a woman for all that she has to offer; relishing in his woman is what gives him satisfaction. He is gentle, tender and self sacrificing. He is sexy, but doesn't know it. His eyes, melt you, penetrating your psyche; because when he looks at you, he looks beyond your surface and into your soul. His smell is infectious. Quite simply he is everything a woman wants and needs. He is amazing!
My heart lost all hope until he found me....He is my Espeaignnette!

I love you....those three words have my whole life in them....Espeaignnette.
by Elinore Willford May 31, 2018
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