A person that knows race does not exist and it can not be found in human blood 🩸 or DNA. The word is usedto judge people on their surface looks; or Like a book by its cover ...the very definition of racism. Race was designed to pit people that look different without any DNA evidence and label them a race. Ethnicity exists and culture exists..but not race. Erascist erase the idea of race by explaining to those that believe it that it is fake and used to confuse us. Race is used to pit people that appear different against each other while big brother benefits from it. Race is used to conquer and divide people and make each other hate people based on pre defined lies that race is real. Erascist erase those lies and informs people we are all human. We do not call people with brown eyes brown or blue eyes blue people . So identifying one trait and using it to dovide is a great lie of all time. Eracists tell the truth that race does not exist
The Erascist stopped humans from hating eachother by explaining we are all one ☝️
by FrankieFettuccine July 7, 2020
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