A variation of a basement dweller, makes "edgy" remarks, typically based on alternative facts, to try to shock but reveals the underlying snowflakeness, irresponsibility, emotional weakness, or general stupidity of the individual.
Edgeflake: How come if a girl smacks you and you punch her back, you're a monster, but if you slap a girl and she knocks you out, she's some hero...

Edgeflake: Black people saying the N-word is fine, but if white people do it, we are racist. What about freedom of speech?

Normal person: You're such an edgeflake.
by EscuelaCaribe March 4, 2019
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It's already pretty much of a fact that snowflakes and edgelords are both ruining society, but once you put them both together, you get edgeflakes (the absolute worst of the worst).
by CelticEagle August 15, 2019
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A portmanteau of edgelord and snowflake. A hypersensitive, irrational person constantly making posts that are deliberately intended to shock or virtue signal to their respective echo chamber.
"Trump is Hitler 2.0" squalled the freshman poli-sci dork, a true edgeflake.
by kombatunit December 19, 2017
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