Something you call an extra-marital relationship that you cant stop thinking about, craving, seeking to completely fill your desires that you have never thought possible.
by Steak and Oreo April 17, 2021
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When someone is very open about their heavy drug use as if it's no big deal. Weed doesn't count since it's a pretty mild drug. We're talking heroin, cocaine, meth, ect. They'll post about it on twitter and facebook to act cool. When in reality, they look like attention whores.
FB status: Just got released from the hospital from doing too much coke!! No more drugs for a little while.

Me: Yup, public drug addict.

FB status 2: Im gonna get fucked up on speed this weekend, hell yeah.

Me: Seriously?! Not another public drug addict. *unfriends*
by Someone with a high IQ January 28, 2012
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Something realistic you don't see in a high school yearbook, even if it would help people prepare for reality. A few other ones you don't see are most likely to become a transvestite, most likely to commit suicide, most likely to become a gunman or mass murderer, and most likely to take money from classmates (legally or illegally).
He/she was voted Most likely to become a drug addict by his/her peers in high school.
by Solid Mantis January 22, 2021
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