A. A drama queen PMSing, causing her to cause drama for everyone

B. The mother of all drama queens. The person that insists on doing whatever possible to attempt to get some drama. It's like they eat drama instead of food. Without drama, Dramazilla would shrivel up like a raisin. Dramazilla complains that there is "too much drama" to draw attention to drama. Dramazilla also often trolls on the internet to get more drama started. If all else fails, Dramazilla will reopen old drama (even if they weren't involved with this drama) so that they can feed.

Alex: OMGGGG there is SOOOO much drama!!!!
Stacy: Okay, Dramazilla.

Carlie: She's such a Dramazilla! OMG I heard she's pregnant! She doesn't even know who the father is! In third grade, she spread a rumor that Kayda stole Webkinz!
Karcie: ...I'm pretty sure YOU'RE the Dramazilla, Car.
by Velosasaurous February 26, 2013
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