noun; colloquialism: A low-skilled immigrant typically from the third world, who often cannot speak English, tends to be exclusively male and of fighting age and has travelled through multiple countries in Europe under the pretense of evading war; and whose presence is justified by self-hating, smug, regressive leftists that define these immigrants as "doctors or engineers"
"Oh look, another 357 Doctineers landed on the South Coast today"
by Gunga Din May 7, 2021
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noun; colloquialism: A low-skilled immigrant typically from the third world, who often cannot speak English, tends to be exclusively male and of fighting age and has travelled through multiple countries in Europe under the pretense of evading war; and whose presence is justified by self-hating, smug, regressive leftists that define these immigrants as "doctors or engineers"
"Oh look, another 357 Doctineers landed on the South Coast today"
by Gunga Din May 7, 2021
Get the Doctineer mug.