The sexiest, most attractive man you will ever meet. He’s always there for a good time. He’s like a warm snuggly blanket on a cold night. A Viking. A Norse god. Similar to Thor. Has a big hammer. Never lazy. Always helps out. Very stubborn but it’s because he’s got a big giant dick. All the ladies at concord high, Pittsburg and de La Salle wanted to hump his Norwegian brains out. Look at his fingers…they scream big-dick energy. Dennis Haley is loyal to the bone. He’s adventurous and a bit of a daredevil. A Dennis Haley will most likely be the life of the party and will drink anyone under the table. Loves Shamsie forever.
Whoa dude, your penis has major Dennis Haley energy!
by SLĀ October 23, 2023
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