Delinski, a pro and member of a elite organization of all people epic. Delinskis are loved by many and disliked by few. A common reaction for interacting with one is euphoria and overall well-being. A Delinski is naturally great in multiple fields and skills they are usually at or near the top of their working class. They also posses incredible teaching skills and are described by her peers as an expert.
Example: Amber: "Aw crap I got Delinski in second period, she sounds like a total bitch by what I've heard."
Amber: "Aw crap I got Delinski in second period, she sounds like a total bitch by what I've heard."

Wesley: "No way! I have her then too, and I can guarantee you she is gonna be your favorite teacher, she IS a Delinski by the way."

Amber: "Your probably right, every Delinski I've ever met has been really smart or really funny, and always a boss."
by Student_B138 September 22, 2011
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