Daunish is knowledge and handsome too. Arrogance comes naturally to him. However, when he smiles it lights up his face and the room. He’s kind but only when he wants to be, choosing, instead, to be critical and dismissive. If you have the good fortune to be loved by a Daunish, make sure you read a lot of sci-fi. If you’re not, then pretend to be a lifelong Trekki.
He’s well traveled and knows the map like the palm of his hands.
Daunish prefers cold climates mainly because there aren’t too many creepy crawlies in colder cities. He is exceptionally scared of lizards and bugs. Daunish is a man you want on your team. However he talks fast when excited so you always want to keep him calm. He loves chocolates and spicy Thai food.

And oh by the way, he cooks! A keeper although you may want to take him out occasionally and beat like you would a dusty rug.
Person 1: Wow!! Is this a well bound encyclopedia?
Person 2: No it’s a Daunish!
by Dawn Time March 18, 2023
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