D-backs is short for Diamondbacks. The bullpen of this team ruins nearly every lead the excellent starting pitchers gets, from Randy Johnson to Zac Gallen. Bullpen problems have been with this team since 1998 when they appeared, and they haven't gotten better. Indeed, in 2021 and 2022, the bullpen lost 41 games apiece, a franchise record. The bullpen is one of the problems which ruin an otherwise good team and a title contender, another notable problem being the Torey Lovoullo mindset, which states that all prospects who arrive in the MLB late in the season should be replaced with bad but old players so as to keep the prospect status for another year to vie for the ROY title. This appeared in the Carroll/Luplow problem in Sep 2022.

Also used to refer to 'absolute trash'.
Dude, the D-backs bullpen blew another lead by Zac Gallen. What a shame.
by π=3.14159265358979323846 October 7, 2022
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