The unification of Big Corporations and Big Government, with the help of the Banking/Finance/Federal Reserve sector, it is specifically referring to the current socio-economic-political situation in the United States. The entity controls all of key aspects of society, from politicians, judges, Big Industry, all the mainstream media channels, Energy, Banking/Finances, Pharmaceuticals, Food, Military/Intelligence and police. This entity will fight off any attempt at competition or loss of control of the masses.
Corpovernment revolving door example: Big Corp executives leave the company and are hired in top positions in the federal and state government by their buddies already onboard. They then write laws that benefit their former company and/or industry, and then leave the gov and are hired back with big payouts in their former job/industry.

Ex: Monsanto, Halliburton
by dracul June 25, 2013
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