What we'll all get after they find a vaccine. Then after everyone except the ant-vaxx moms gets an incredibly painful needle injected into their arm, we all go to bars and get shots of Corona. And 100 years later, some other epidemic pops up and we're screwed AGAIN.
by WrySquirrel3069 March 19, 2020
(1) A vaccine to protect against coronavirus AKA COVID-19 (which they're currently working on).
(2) A shot glass full of Corona beer, which I think bars should advertise in order to celebrate returning to normal, whenever we can safely do so.
(2) A shot glass full of Corona beer, which I think bars should advertise in order to celebrate returning to normal, whenever we can safely do so.
Once we can get our corona shots, we should celebrate the occasion with some corona shots down at the bar!
by Davidfreesefan23 August 25, 2020