Deep set Blue eyes, 3 shades of blonde and white priveledged type of guy.

Asshole type of sense of humour, but honestly it's hilarious don't lie to yourself.

The type of person to disregard his feelings in order to make you happy. Cole is not the nice guy who gets friendzoned, he's the guy girls drool over because he isn't just uncontrollably good looking, he is such a sweetheart.

He isn't the type of person you want to lose, so cherish these moments you have with him. You won't come by a person like him again, Cole Hamence.

Cole Hamence the guy who can fake a smile better than Kylie Jenner can fake her scandals just so you will have a peace of mind. The guy who can run from out of town for over an hour for you. The guy whose arms can make you feel a sense of safety, a sense of home.

He's incredible.

And honestly? I'm so in love it's not funny.
Is Cole Hamence actually at school for once?
by colgatex March 3, 2019
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