Cody Rhodes

Everyones favourite midcarder
Cody Rhodes: ?? You follow me friend

Wilson2002: Because you're my favourite midcarder
by teganstan December 31, 2021
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Cody Rhodes

Civil right icon who stand with the like of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, his most recent action was to single handledly ends racism against Anthony Ogogo in AEW
Damn, my only goal is to become the next Cody Rhodes
by QuandaleDinglefan June 6, 2022
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Cody Rhodes

A dashing motherfu-.
Wait, he's in ROH.
Cody Rhodes is from ROH.
by LeviRenRoWrestler January 1, 2018
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Cody Rhodes

The Man who will beat Roman Reigns and end his 1300 day reign as champion.
Person 1: Are you gonna watch Mania
Person 2: Hell Yeah! Cody Rhodes is gonna whoop some bloodline ass.
by What’s your handle321 April 4, 2024
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