Cmone: A strikingly beautiful woman who's touch is like brushstrokes on the canvas of the skin.

A very talented individual, who can take inspiration from anything and redirect it into every facet of her life. She likes the water but is displeased when it touches her, for it compromises her protective layer of dirt, shielding her from the elements. Cmones sometimes can work for weeks on end building up their protective grime. A Cmone loves anything butt-stuff, and enjoys experimentation, a total freak in bed unless she's tired. She has the ability to fall into sleep over the course of a few seconds, mid conversation. In addition with their fiery attitude and suddent spurts of rage, fury and breakdowns, Cmones are dedicated and companionate lovers who will rock your world view with their magnificence.
That was the best Cmone I've ever had!

I appreciate how Cmone you've been lately.

There's a little Cmone in all of us.
by Capt10 December 19, 2016
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