A mountainous character who is heavily reliant on his glasses, alcohol and hunter gatherer instincts in the pursuit of carrots. He is also known to transform into a tornado when confronted with any form of opposition to his personal views. He uses mathematical formulas to seek out the perfect mate. Known associate of Showens, Thumper (from Disney's Bambi), Jessica Rabbit, Buggs Bunny and Jevans. He is also widely thought to be the original carrier of myxomatosis, he did not succumb to the disease but instead decided to infect his fellow floppy-eared kin so he could assert dominance in the rabbit underworld. He is the founding member of the IRA (Irish Rabbit Army).
Quit acting the Ciandeery.

eg. Quit acting like a twisty rabbit mong.
by the people's champion 1994 March 10, 2013
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