A horse like character who may often jump to conclusions, based on inaccurate evidence.

Frequently comes across as a complete tool.

Also known to feather his own nest.
I'm sick of that Chevin. He is such a tail.

Looks like Chevin has been up messing with his chopper all night again, thats why hes so shit at work.
by Daddy Bangers October 17, 2008
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A desperately docile juvenile male. Lacking in intelligence and initiative.

Also may mean to have a facial appearance like a horse.
I have messed that up like Chevin.

I have made a real Chevin of that.
by Bobby Sausage August 19, 2008
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Founded in 2022, “Chevin” was a word coined when someone attempted to type “Kevin” into a google search, but a typo gave them this word instead. This is a word used when you are completely out of ideas.
Person 1: “Where did you get that necklace?
Person 2: “Chevin.”
by The Peanut Butter Falcon April 28, 2022
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When someone uses a racket, tennis badminton squash whatever, to imatate a person. they take their glasses and thread them through the holes in the racket, and use a shuttlecock or anything else nearby and attatch it to the racket to simulate a nose. they then leave it nearby for the person to find. hopefully they will have no idea who did it!
I just did a rackethead chevin on that PE teacher over there!
by Laura Hitchcock February 27, 2007
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