A synonym of the word "sex", Ceks is used in MMORPGs such as RuneScape where there is a word censor that blocks out the word "sex". Ceks also implies cyber sex unless prefixed with IRL.
Oren is bro stalk, he'll come after you in the middle of the night and have IRL ceks with you.
by Double-yew Thirteen December 1, 2010
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Being evil / Being an asshole / Having bad intentions
'cek ark' is a hokkien term, most commonly used among Singaporeans and is used to describe an individual.

An individual being 'cek ark' can be described as behaving in a way that is considered extremely obtrusive, often incurring the wrath of those around the individual by means such as verbal insults and the occasional fist to the face
Wah you see him so jialat already, you still laughing at him. You sibei cek ark!

Wahlao that teacher damn cek ark sia, don't want to let me pass the test.
by lonlonlon September 15, 2010
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Cek, is a slur against South Park fans. Cek is a blend of the term "Cartman Kinnie" and "Cuck". Originally made as a joke, fans take it as a serious insult like a fucking loser
What's your favorite show Mark?

South Park

Never talk to me again you fucking Cek
by Meguca February 23, 2022
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A specific breed of humans, a small minority. The human embodiment of the Aspect of Cek.
Look over there! Cek/Ceci is coming, they look so handsome and hot!
by Stimid May 25, 2022
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