something being mixed between american and canadian.

something or someone from both canada and the u.s.
Dude, i was born in the sates and lived there till i was 12 then i moved to canada, thats why my accent is camerican.
by finally31 November 17, 2009
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To be born in Canada or the United States but severly want to be in the opposite country. Also used as a term for an American in love with a Canadian or vice versa.
"Hank lives in miami, but hes in love with a girl from toronto, silly Camericans"
by TaintedTease January 3, 2006
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An American or Candadian that have meetings soley to get fucked up.
Steve Nash isn't Canadian he is Camerican, and my hero.
Camerica fuck yeah...
by Hung like a Hyena January 6, 2008
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