A totally awesome, caring girl who loves to make jokes. Extremely pretty, kinda weird at first, but once you get to know her, she's an amazing friend. South african and crazy, You always want a Caite for a friend.
Everyone wants to be Caite's friend, she'd so awesome!!!
by Dorkbunny January 7, 2014
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why bad?
why bad cait?
by POGGERSVHUN F November 4, 2020
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caits are guiness loving, huged racked party goers who have a bad habit of flirting with other peoples boyfriends however on the plus side they can make a mean cheese on toast and have a habit of staying on facebook til the early hours
did that chick just down a guiness?
must of been a cait
by raaffstafarian February 15, 2010
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To cait, is to

Get a person to sexual arousal then leave abruptly,
John: I was with this girl we were so close then she just left.
jake: She totally pulled a Cait.
by tatotherguy December 29, 2010
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1 - A person who is extremely promiscuous but in control of her herself doesn't matter how intense it gets.

2 - A short sexy chick that knows how to be a bitch and doesn't take crap from players
3 - to do a cait is to be all over a guy then when the moment is perfect and the boy knows he is going to score she gets up, puts her top and jeans on and walks out, leaving the boy horny and still dumbfounded at what just happened.
jake: how was you night, i saw u go off with that hot chick
sam: oh yea it was great but then she flipped and did a cait on me
by migit_monster December 29, 2010
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A person or thing that constantly queefs and wont leave jamie or jordan alon, A cait waters usually complains about everything a Brian says and enjoys frequent trips to paris. A Cait waters believes that her grey hoddie is actually green and is a very sketchy girl.
by DOOM91 February 15, 2010
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