A Bais Ya’akov High school based in Monsey, New York. Made up of around 100 girls and slowly getting smaller every year. They’re basically a family and if you mess with one you mess with all of them. They can be found at 306 BBQ and evergreen on a Thursday night, in 7-11 parking lot (you can’t see them but they see you), or driving around random streets or parking lots when they wanna shmooze. They’re all gorgeous, brilliant and very frum. They *officially* don’t talk to boys however don’t underestimate their knowledge.

There a family. Low key sketches

Always in for the hock. There always that kid is class clown in class. And there’s one leader in each grade
Ohr Reuven boy: hey u seem rlly cool, do u wanna go to 306 at the same time and make eye contact across the room?
bydrh girl: sorry I don’t talk to boys, HMU in shidduchim
by Fan boy November 7, 2019
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