It's kind of like a butterfly in your pants. It's like taking a girl home and than placing a rainbow up her skirt. It's kind of like a shower beer. Do you remember what you wanted to your 10th grade math teacher? You know, the hot one you're pretty sure had a nipple ring? Ya you do.
Dude last night I took this chick home and she was like "Burndog me!", so we we burndogged until I was raw. Than she was like "oh ya, you burndogged me!" and I was like "I burndogged you, lets go again. Round 2!"
by Burndogger69 January 15, 2011
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The nickname of photographer Michael burnett, who works for the skateboarding magazine company thrasher.
Yo, did you see that photo of tony hawk the burndog took for last month's thrasher?
by Some 90s kid March 2, 2018
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