Those giant designer sunglasses that girls wear to protect their eyes from the sun and cum.

These glasses also provide facial camoflauge, allowing an unnattractive female to look "hot" without putting on makeup.
Guy: What's with the bukkake goggles?
Girl: You're an asshole
by rindo December 11, 2006
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goggles used to hold bukkake for an extended period of time.
yo that bitch in has some big ass bukkake goggles.
by Andrew Stump August 30, 2005
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The large, blue-blocker style, imitation designer sunglasses that the girl pant wearing emo fem-boys sport in an effort to highlight/compliment their hair parting ability, and temporarily hide the tears shed over another boy.
They walked through the mall with their arms around one another, the cuts on their wrists glowing with mild infection.
Tapered pants of the female variety, and Bukkake Goggles to hide meaningless tears... ...what ball shaving lives they must lead.
by theNILBOG August 14, 2008
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